Thursday, September 18, 2014

Guignol Theatre

I found a book online called "Haunted Colleges and Universities" by Tom Ogden.

The entire book talks about many different colleges, and universities that have been recognized as being haunted. On one page of the book the Guignol Theatre is brought up. Tom Ogden says "the performance center has an otherworldly presence". Although no one has been able to recognize the ghostly figure, or identify him and what era he came from, he shows up all over the playhouse. Even when students can't see him, they know he is there, they can feel another persons presence even when there is no one else around, and can hear the unexplainable banging of the pipes.

Can we just go investigate the theatre for ourselves? Everyone claims to have seen a ghost, or feel his presence but no actually data has been collected. This would make such an interesting documentary topic because there are so many pieces of evidence that you could collect while investigating a spirit. EVP(electronic voice phenomenon), EMF(measures fluctuations in electromagnetic fields), pictures, and video are all things we could be doing to get proof that a ghost in the Guignol Theatre exists. Also we could dig deeper into the fire that happened in 1947, who this spirit is, what role at the Guignol Theatre did they play if any, and why they are there. How did they die? Why are they still hanging around? Do they want to tell us something?

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